Directions for Volunteers to Enter Timesheets

      Following is a list of directions for entering your time via the volunteer website.  Please do not hesitate to contact John Kroninger at (973)610-1448 if you have any problems.

      1.  Go to the Volunteer INC website at

      2.  Click on the link labeled Volunteer Login in the lower left corner of the home page.

      3.  Registration: If this is the first time you have accessed the timesheet site you must register. You have to do this only the first time. Otherwise skip to Step 4.

      1. Click on the words Register for an account here.

      2. Provide the requested information. Choose any User name and password you want. Do not enter spaces in either.

      3. Provide the e-mail address at which you want to receive e-mail from INC.

      4. Click on Register. At this point you should leave the site until you get a confirming e-mail.

      5. You will shortly receive an e-mail from Sue Dowling with the subject "New Account" Sometimes this takes longer, maybe as long as an hour. At the bottom of the email will be a link that, when clicked, will activate your account and then prompt you for a Username and Password (bringing you to #4 below). If clicking on the link in your email doesn't bring up the login page, then copy the link, open your browser, and then paste the link into the address box of the browser.

      6. You do not have to go through this registration procedure again.

      4.  Login with the User name and Password you provided earlier.

      5.  Click on the timesheet you will be completing, Office Timesheets or Transportation Timesheets. Office Timesheets cover all volunteer activities, like Friendly Visits and Yardword, except Transportation.

      6.  Look over the screen carefully and follow the instructions.

      7.  Select the Month and Year that you are reporting.

      8.  Follow the instructions on the sheets (screens) to enter the Care Receivers (CRs) you helped and what you did for them.

      9.  IMPORTANT: Before leaving a timesheet or changing clients be sure to click on Save or Save And Mark As Complete to preserve your data.

      10.  Back on the Main Page click on Logout to finish your session.

      11.  You may continue to change a timesheet until we finalize it for entry into our database. After that you will have to call the office to make changes.